Results for 'Jocelyn Dunphy Blomfield'

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    Clio's redress: renewing the new history.Jocelyn Dunphy Blomfield - 1999 - Paragraph 22 (2):164-183.
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    Discussion & reviews.Peter Forrest, Jocelyn Dunphy Blomfield, Bruce Langtry, Purushottama Bilimoria, Frances Gray, V. L. Krishnamoorthy & Winifred Win Han Lamb - 1997 - Sophia 36 (1):140-166.
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    Book Reviews : James F. Harris, Against Relativism: A Philosophical Defence of Method. Open Court Press, Lasalle, IL, 1992. Pp. xvii, 223. Cloth, $54.95; Paper, $19.95 (Canadian dollars. [REVIEW]Patrick J. J. Phillips, Struan Jacobs & Jocelyn Dunphy-Blomfield - 1997 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 27 (2):239-249.
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    Japan und Heidegger: Gedenkschrift der Stadt Messkirch Zum 100. Geburtstag Martin Heideggers, Ed. Hartmut Buchner.Jocelyn Dunphy - 1992 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 23 (1):86-87.
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  5. 'New Ways of Thinking': Rationality and the Nuclear Debate.Jocelyn Dunphy - 1986 - Critical Philosophy 3 (1/2):81.
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  6. R. Kearney: "Modern Movements in European Philosophy". [REVIEW]Jocelyn Dunphy - 1988 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 66:272.
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    A Hundred Years of Phenomenology: Perspectives on a Philosophical Tradition (review).Dermot Moran - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):422-423.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.3 (2003) 422-423 [Access article in PDF] Robin Small, editor. A Hundred Years of Phenomenology: Perspectives on a Philosophical Tradition. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2001. Pp. xxix + 191. Cloth, $79.95.The stated aim of this collection of thirteen essays (mostly new—four are reprints) by philosophers resident in Australia is to offer selective perspectives on the phenomenological tradition, correcting misunderstandings and highlighting aspects overlooked in (...)
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  8. Reparations and Egalitarianism.Megan Blomfield - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (5):1177-1195.
    Some claim that a commitment to egalitarianism is in tension with support for reparations for historical injustice. This tension appears to arise insofar as egalitarianism is a forward-looking approach to justice: an approach that tells us what kind of world we should aim to build, where that world is not defined in terms of the decisions or actions of previous generations. Some have claimed that egalitarianism thereby renders reparations redundant. One popular option for egalitarians who aim to reject this thesis (...)
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  9. Global Justice, Natural Resources, and Climate Change.Megan Blomfield (ed.) - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    To address climate change fairly, many conflicting claims over natural resources must be balanced against one another. This has long been obvious in the case of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas sinks including the atmosphere and forests; but it is ever more apparent that responses to climate change also threaten to spur new competition over land and extractive resources. This makes climate change an instance of a broader, more enduring and - for many - all too familiar problem: the problem (...)
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    A Priori and A Posteriori Knowledge in Hegel's Realphilosophie.Robb Dunphy - 2024 - In Ermylos Plevrakis (ed.), Hegels Philosophie der Realität. Leiden: Brill. pp. 192-213.
    In this chapter I consider three different positions on the a priori/a posteriori distinction that have been attributed to Hegel, specifically in the context of the epistemology of the metaphysical claims he defends in his Realphilosophie. I outline and briefly provide evidence for a reading of Hegel that understands him to retain the distinction in question, but to hold that the metaphysical claims he defends in the context of his philosophy of nature and his philosophy of spirit typically involve elements (...)
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  11. Mind Wandering as Diffuse Attention.Jocelyn Yuxing Wang & Azenet L. López - manuscript
    This paper reconciles an inconsistency between the benefits of mind wandering and a prominent conception of attention in philosophy and cognitive psychology, namely, the prioritization view. Since we prioritize the information in a task less if we are doing it while mind wandering compared to solely concentrating on it, why does our performance in the task sometimes improve when we are mind wandering? To explain this, we offer a conception of diffuse attention that generalizes from external to internal forms of (...)
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  12. Global Common Resources and the Just Distribution of Emission Shares.Megan Blomfield - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (3):283-304.
    A currently popular proposal for fairly distributing emission quotas is the equal shares view, which holds that that emission quotas should be distributed to all human beings globally on an equal per capita basis. In this paper I aim to show that a number of arguments in favour of equal shares are based on a misleading analysis of climate change as a global commons problem. I argue that a correct understanding of the way in which climate change results from the (...)
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    Secularism and Freedom of Conscience.Jocelyn Maclure & Charles Taylor - 2011 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
    Jocelyn Maclure and Charles Taylor provide a clearly reasoned, articulate account of the two main principles of secularism—equal respect, and freedom of conscience—and argue that in our religiously diverse, politically interconnected world, secularism, properly understood, may offer the only path to religious and philosophical freedom.
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  14. Land as a Global Commons?Megan Blomfield - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (4):577-592.
    Land is becoming increasingly scarce relative to the demands of the global economy; a problem significantly exacerbated by climate change. In response, some have suggested that land should be conceptualised as a global commons. This framing might seem like an appealing way to promote sustainable and equitable land use. However, it is a poor fit for the worldʼs land because global commons are generally understood as resources located beyond state borders. I argue that land can be seen to fit the (...)
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  15. From Proto-Sceptic to Sceptic in Sextus’ Outlines of Pyrrhonism.Robb Dunphy - 2022 - Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 55 (3):455-484.
    This is an account of Sceptical investigation as it is presented by Sextus Empiricus. I focus attention on the motivation behind the Sceptic’s investigation, the goal of that investigation, and on the development Sextus describes from proto-Sceptical to Sceptical investigator. I suggest that recent accounts of the Sceptic’s investigative practice do not make sufficient sense of the fact that the Sceptic finds a relief from disturbance by way of suspending judgement, nor of the apparent continuity between proto-Sceptical and Sceptical investigation. (...)
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    The Curious Case of the Disappearance of Pyrrhonism from Continental Philosophy.Robb Dunphy - 2024 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism:1-27.
    In this article, evidence is briefly presented for three facts that together point to something puzzling. (1) That major continental philosophers of the nineteenth century tended to engage in some detail, as part of a broader preoccupation with ancient Greek thought, with Pyrrhonian scepticism. (2) That major continental philosophers of the twentieth century tended to engage in some depth with their nineteenth-century forebears and maintained their tendency to engage significantly with ancient Greek thought. (3) That twentieth-century continental philosophers demonstrate little (...)
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  17. Hegel and the Problem of Beginning.Robb Dunphy - 2021 - Hegel Bulletin 42 (3):344-367.
    In this article I develop an interpretation of the opening passages of Hegel's essay ‘With what must the beginning of science be made?’ I suggest firstly that Hegel is engaging there with a distinctive problem, the overcoming of which he understands to be necessary in order to guarantee the scientific character of the derivation of the fundamental categories of thought which he undertakes in the Science of Logic. I refer to this as ‘the problem of beginning’. I proceed to clarify (...)
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    Toward a contextual realism.Jocelyn Benoist - 2021 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Esteemed philosopher Jocelyn Benoist argues for a renewed realism that takes seriously the context in which intention occurs. "What there is"-the traditional subject of metaphysics-can be determined only in context, Benoist contends, carving out a new path that rejects acontextual ontologies and approaches to the mind.
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    Vivre avec les animaux: une utopie pour le XXIe siècle.Jocelyne Porcher - 2011 - Paris: Éditions la Découverte/M.A.U.S.S..
    Dans notre monde radicalement artificialisé, seuls les animaux, en nous rappelant ce qu'a été la nature, nous permettront peut-être de nous souvenir de notre propre humanité. Mais saurons-nous vivre avec eux? Le voulons-nous encore? Car l'abattage de masse des animaux, considérés comme simples éléments des " productions animales ", leur inflige une terreur et une souffrance insoutenables, tout en désespérant les éleveurs. Et l'élevage, après 10 000 ans d'existence, est aujourd'hui souvent décrit comme une nuisance, pour l'environnement comme pour notre (...)
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    Why Cybernetics? Why Love?Jocelyn Chapman - 2019 - World Futures 75 (1-2):1-4.
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  21. Ph'enom'enologie, S'emantique, Ontologie Husserl Et la Tradition Logique Autrichienne.Jocelyn Benoist - 1997 - Presses Universitaires de France.
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    The Ethics of Animal Labor: A Collaborative Utopia.Jocelyne Porcher - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This work argues for a moral consideration of animal work relations. Paying special attention to the livestock industry, the author challenges the zootechnical denigration of animals for increased productivity awhile championing the collaborative nature of work. For Porcher, work is not merely a means to production but a means of living together unity. This unique reconsideration of work envisions animals as co-laborers with humans, rather than overwrought tools for exploitative, and often lethal, employment. Readers will learn about the disjunction between (...)
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  23. Climate Change and the Moral Significance of Historical Injustice in Natural Resource Governance.Megan Blomfield - 2015 - In Aaron Maltais & Catriona McKinnon (eds.), The Ethics of Climate Governance. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
    In discussions about responsibility for climate change, it is often suggested that the historical use of natural resources is in some way relevant to our current attempts to address this problem fairly. In particular, both theorists and actors in the public realm have argued that historical high-emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs) – or the beneficiaries of those emissions – are in possession of some form of debt, deriving from their overuse of a natural resource that should have been shared more (...)
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  24. The Relationship Between Workers and Animals in the Pork Industry: A Shared Suffering.Jocelyne Porcher - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (1):3-17.
    Animal production, especially pork production, is facing growing international criticism. The greatest concerns relate to the environment, the animals’ living conditions, and the occupational diseases. But human and animal conditions are rarely considered together. Yet the living conditions at work and the emotional bond that inevitably forms bring the farm workers and the animals to live very close, which leads to shared suffering. Suffering does spread from animals to human beings and can cause workers physical, mental, and also moral suffering, (...)
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    The experience of doctoral learning within a major research project.Jocelyn Angus - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (1):58-59.
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    Ethics in economics: lessons from human subjects research.Megan Blomfield - 2012 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 5 (1):24-44.
    Many economists, it is said, “are inclined to deny that moral philosophy has anything to do with economics” . In this paper I challenge such inclinations bydrawing an analogy between economic interventions and humansubjects research. It is undeniable that investigators engaged in thelatter should adhere to specific ethical principles. I argue that analogousfeatures of economic interventions should lead us to recognise thatsimilar ethical concerns actually arise in both activities, and thusthat economic interventions should also be conducted in accordancewith ethical principles. (...)
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    Are Substitutional Quantifiers a Solution to the Problem of the Elimination of Classes in Principia Mathematica?Jocelyne Couture - 1988 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 8 (1):116.
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    Une grammaire de l'incomplétude référentielle: la logique intensionnelle des Principia Mathematica.Jocelyne Couture - 1983 - Dialogue 22 (1):69-90.
    Cet article s'ajoute à la liste déjà longue de ceux qui traitent des rapports entre la théorie russellienne des descriptions définies et la théorie ramifiée des types. Seule la prétention d'aborder cette question dans une perspective nouvelle justifie ici sa présence: d'une part, la théorie des descriptions définies sera resituée dans le contexte initial et souvent méconnu de la théorie des expressions dénotantes et d'autre part, c'est à la logique intensionnelle de Russell, objet d'une méconnaissance au moins égale, que nous (...)
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    A promising new discovery for Sigerian Studies.William Dunphy & Armand Maurer - 1967 - Mediaeval Studies 29 (1):364-369.
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    The Lost Manuscript of Pseudo-Rufinus: De Fide.Walter Dunphy - 2000 - Augustinianum 40 (1):89-103.
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    L’air comme cause de maladie dans la médecine grecque antique. Classification, contamination, prévention.Jocelyn Groisard - 2022 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 140 (1):127-146.
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    Plautus, Rudens 83–88.H. D. Jocelyn - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (02):148-.
  33. Québec d'après-guerre et mémoire collective de la technocratie.Jocelyn Létourneau - 1991 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 90:67-87.
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    Pots and Plays: Interactions between Tragedy and Greek Vase-painting in the Fourth Century BC (review).Jocelyn Penny Small - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (4):506-507.
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  35. Teacher resistance: personal or professional?Jocelyn Weeda - 2018 - In Doris A. Santoro & Lizabeth Cain (eds.), Principled Resistance: How Teachers Resolve Ethical Dilemmas. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Education Press.
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    Adam, Etinson, Human Rights: Moral or Political?Jocelyn Wilson - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (1-2):191-194.
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    Hegel and the Problem of Beginning: Scepticism and Presuppositionlessness.Robb Dunphy - 2022 - Lanham, MD 20706, USA: Rowman and Littlefield.
    Hegel opens the first book of his Science of Logic with the statement of a problem: “The beginning of philosophy must be either something mediated or something immediate, and it is easy to show that it can be neither the one nor the other, so either way of beginning finds its rebuttal.” Despite its significant placement, exactly what Hegel means in his expression of this problem and exactly what his solution to it is, remain unclear. -/- In this book, Robb (...)
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    From Prohibition to Permission: The Winding Road of Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada.Jocelyn Downie - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (4):321-354.
    In this paper, I offer a personal and professional narrative of how Canada went from prohibition to permission for medical assistance in dying. I describe the legal developments to date and flag what might be coming in the near future. I also offer some personal observations and reflections on the role and impact of bioethics and bioethicists, on what it was like to be a participant in Canada's law reform process, and on lessons that readers in other jurisdictions might take (...)
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    Selling conscience short: a response to Schuklenk and Smalling on conscientious objections by medical professionals.Jocelyn Maclure & Isabelle Dumont - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):241-244.
    In a thought-provoking paper, Schuklenk and Smalling argue that no right to conscientious objection should be granted to medical professionals. First, they hold that it is impossible to assess either the truth of conscience-based claims or the sincerity of the objectors. Second, even a fettered right to conscientious refusal inevitably has adverse effects on the rights of patients. We argue that the main problem with their position is that it is not derived from a broader reflection on the meaning and (...)
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    Schulze's Scepticism and the Rise and Rise of German Idealism.Robb Dunphy - 2024 - In Robb Dunphy & Toby Lovat (eds.), Metaphysics as a Science in Classical German Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 226-250.
    In this chapter, Robb Dunphy is concerned with the nature of G.E. Schulze's scepticism as he presents it in his 1792 work Aenesidemus, and with its relation to the metaphysical projects of Kant, Reinhold, and later German Idealists. After introducing Schulze's text, Dunphy turns to a recent interpretation offered by Jessica Berry, who claims that the extent to which Schulze endorsed a genuinely Pyrrhonian Scepticism has gone unacknowledged, both by his idealist contemporaries and by the majority of the (...)
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    An Alternative to Medical Assistance in Dying? The Legal Status of Voluntary Stopping Eating and Brinking.Jocelyn Downie - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (2):48-58.
    Medical assistance in dying has received considerable attention from many in the field of bioethics. Philosophers, theologians, lawyers, and clinicians of all sorts have engaged with many challenging aspects of this issue. Public debate, public policy, and the law have been enhanced by the varied disciplinary analyses. With the legalization of MAiD in Canada, some attention is now being turned to issues that have historically been overshadowed by the debate about whether to permit MAiD. One such issue is voluntary stopping (...)
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    Creative Arts Interventions to Address Depression in Older Adults: A Systematic Review of Outcomes, Processes, and Mechanisms.Kim Dunphy, Felicity A. Baker, Ella Dumaresq, Katrina Carroll-Haskins, Jasmin Eickholt, Maya Ercole, Girija Kaimal, Kirsten Meyer, Nisha Sajnani, Opher Y. Shamir & Thomas Wosch - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Depression experienced by older adults is proving an increasing global health burden, with rates generally 7% and as high as 27% in the USA. This is likely to significantly increase in coming years as the number and proportion of older adults in the population rises all around the world. Therefore, it is imperative that the effectiveness of approaches to the prevention and treatment of depression are understood. Creative arts interventions, including art, dance movement, drama and music modalities, are utilised internationally (...)
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  43. «Impenser» le pays et toujours l'aimer: Autres expériences.Jocelyn Létourneau - 1998 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 105:361-381.
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    Social determinants of health and slippery slopes in assisted dying debates: lessons from Canada.Jocelyn Downie & Udo Schuklenk - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):662-669.
    The question of whether problems with the social determinants of health that might impact decision-making justify denying eligibility for assisted dying has recently come to the fore in debates about the legalisation of assisted dying. For example, it was central to critiques of the 2021 amendments made to Canada’s assisted dying law. The question of whether changes to a country’s assisted dying legislation lead to descents down slippery slopes has also come to the fore—as it does any time a jurisdiction (...)
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  45. On the Incompatibility of Hegel's Phenomenology with the Beginning of his Logic.Robb Dunphy - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (293):81-119.
    This paper argues firstly that the argument of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit is necessary for the justification of the beginning of his logical project, and secondly that Hegel's attempt to secure the beginning of his Science of Logic by relying upon the argument of the Phenomenology fails. I argue firstly that the position taken up at the beginning of Hegel's Logic is constructed in such a fashion that it relies upon the argument of the Phenomenology to justify it. I then (...)
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    Historical Use of the Climate Sink.Megan Blomfield - 2016 - Res Publica 22 (1):67-81.
    In this paper I discuss a popular position in the climate justice literature concerning historical accountability for climate change. According to this view, historical high-emitters of greenhouse gases—or currently existing individuals that are appropriately related to them—are in possession of some form of emission debt, owed to certain of those who are now burdened by climate change. It is frequently claimed that such debts were originally incurred by historical emissions that violated a principle of fair shares for the world’s natural (...)
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    Transnational Trade in Human Eggs: Law, Policy, and (In)Action in Canada.Jocelyn Downie & Françoise Baylis - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):224-239.
    In Canada there is a growing demand for human eggs for reproductive purposes and currently demand exceeds supply. This is not surprising, as egg production and retrieval is onerous. It requires considerable time, effort, and energy and carries with it significant physical and psychological risks. In very general terms, one cycle of egg production and retrieval involves an estimated total of 56 hours for interviews, counseling, and medical procedures. The screening carries risks of unanticipated findings with severe consequences for insurability. (...)
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    Adolescent Girls’ STEM Identity Formation and Media Images of STEM Professionals: Considering the Influence of Contextual Cues.Jocelyn Steinke - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Pediatric Neuroimaging Ethics.Jocelyn Downie & Jennifer Marshall - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (2):147-160.
    Neuroimaging has provided insight into numerous neurological disorders in children, such as epilepsy and cerebral palsy. Many clinicians and investigators believe that neuroimaging holds great promise, especially in the areas of behavioral and cognitive disorders. However, concerns about the risks of various neuroimaging modalities and the potential for misinterpretation of imaging results are mounting. Imaging evaluations also raise questions about stigmatization, allocation of resources, and confidentiality. Children are particularly vulnerable in this milieu and require special attention with regards to safety (...)
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    Comparisons Only Yield Valid Mutual Learnings If Based on Accurate Descriptions of the Comparators.Jocelyn Downie - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):94-96.
    In “Slowing the slide down the slippery slope of Medical Assistance in Dying: Mutual Learnings for Canada and the US,” Daryl Pullman (2023) gets a variety of empirical, logical and legal things wro...
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